Friday, July 19, 2013

How to spend your day not doing very much....

Ya'll know that on most days I do alot.  I've always got an innumerable list of projects to choose from at any time.  This week has seen me really diggiing in and getting several things checked off of my "to do" list. 
  • This week I have written 2 blog posts a day
  • I completed my "school transiton notebook",  
  • I have made further progress on my afgan,
  • I finished re-organizing my closet
  • AND my dresser drawers. 
  • I hauled 4 bags of clothes (3 more to go) to a local charity
  • Spent about hours on the phone and online making some changes in my renters insurance that ultimately ended in me getting a new insurance agent.
  • I went to the store for my quarterly "big" shop AND hauled it  all upstairs and put it away....
  •   I cleaned my apartment for company.... (the lady who cleans my house is on vacation),
  •  AND I hosted a dinner party.

So today I rested. 
Today was a restful day for me.  I slept late.  When I finally woke up I wrote a blog post for my other blog.  I listened to some of the Harry Potter audio book that I am on.  I ate some lunch.  I checked my facebook.  I read some blogs that I am following about teaching music and left a few comments.... It's the time of year when the music teacher blogs get really interesting...... While I was listenening to the slow rain and thunder outside I thought that a nap seemed like a REALLY awesome idea!  BUT, I got distracted so I listened to some more of my audio book while I played a video game on my cell phone.... which I have discovered to be the death of any attempt to do anything all.........

THEN, I took a nap. 

THAT my friends was how I spent my Friday!


Gail Frank said...

Well it sounds like you got quite a lot done....and then rewarded yourself. They say that is the best way to motivate ourselves! Nicely done!

ETowns said...

I hope the video game is not candy crush! I hear that one is prey-ty addictive. For a lazy day you got lots done. Naps on the afternoon seem wonderful - I never seem to be able to catch them.

Elizabeth T, Early Riser