Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The blessings of being a night owl.

In the summer when the days are long and the nights are still I become a total night owl.
I love the morning. I love the way my brain works in the morning. I like the clarity and focus and energy that is unique to the sunrise. 
I love night. I like knowing that everything is tucked away and put to bed and I am free to be creative and to think.
The hours in the middle are not my favorite and I would just as soon sleep from 2:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.  However, when I am in the thick of a project that I am enjoying, I can't be bothered with sleep whether during the night time as I should or during the day. 
This Ultimate Blog Challenge is really making me flex my writing muscle!  Crazy me!  I decided that instead of meeting this blog challenge with just my well established melodysoup I would also take the opportunity to revive this blog. Whew! I am having to write constantly!

So here it is 4:36 in the morning and I have not yet gone to bed! You may ask what do I have to show for it.  Well I'll tell you! This blog post plus 3 new posts scheduled for melody soup.  I have also written 6 drafts, brainstormed 4 others and I have made progress on several projects that I need to finish in order to new material for .... You guessed it..... My blogs.

If I can build a surplus of blogs I am hoping to buy some time to write some music later on this week.

I know that I should go to sleep but truly I don't plan on sleeping long because I am ready to get busy! 

Just as I was about to post this, I was reminded of something very important that I am sometimes at risk of forgetting when I have days of worry and trouble. 

"He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand"
Psalm 121 3-5
In fact, THIS is HOW I remembered it. 

 What a blessing to know that the one who loves us and knows us best has gone before us to prepare each day, and night for us. 
 He will never send us where he has not gone, and he is right here with us.


Jeanne Doyon said...

You are on a roll--it may be a log roll, but sounds like your creativity is in high gear.

I know what you mean about the need to focus--the need for quiet. I am more of a morning person, not too early mind you.

One goal I have is to sit around with others and brainstorm writing projects.

Kelly Galea said...

Hi Bonnie - What a ball of energy you've been & such an inspiration! I'm an early morning person myself, and am generally feeling spent around 2pm. Lately I've been feeling a resurgence of energy in the evening hours as well - must be the longer days.

Jeanine Byers said...

I'm a night owl, too! Seems incurable. But it's a great way to get things done. Saying hello from the UBC.